About 18 months ago I started Stylish Blooms and from that point on I have not looked back. I have invested my own money and countless hours into setting the foundation and couldn't be happier with the results. From High school on I have worked in flowers shops. I trained for 2 years before obtaining a A.A.S in horticulture and I just love flowers. I formed Stylish Blooms because I felt i did not have creative control working at mom and pop flower shops. They called the shots. From the quality of the flowers to the pricing, I had no control or say because my name wasn't on the door. I knew that my passion deserved better and brides deserved their wedding flowers to be crafted carefully and with love. Since forming Stylish Blooms it has been a delight to see all my hard work shine. Brides are excited to see how much money they save while still getting the same quality of a flower shop. I love the fact that no one tells me to do the wedding later because there is funeral work or deliveries that are "more important" to me weddings are more important. I can take my time doing what I love and not be inhibited by a work schedule or time clock. I couldn't be more happier with the results. I hope 2010 is just as good to me as 2009! Thank you so much for your support! ~
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